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Friday! Winter Fair! You!

Yes, the weather outside is beautiful and we’re not experiencing snow storms. But it is winter! So…

Come to Oxford tomorrow, Friday, January 30 between 6-8 pm. It’s this year’s Winter Fair and it’s going to be fun and interesting. Parking will be available on the lower playground.

Here’s what’s in store:

  1. Pizza and salad will be served from 6–7 pm

  2. Math games will be played in the library with our technology teacher, Robin Hurley

  3. Activities like snow globes, book marks, cards to senior citizens, friendship bracelets, a photo booth and more

What can you do?

  1. Attend! Come for any amount of time between 6-8pm—all Oxford families are welcome

  2. Volunteer! Each classroom will have activities for the whole family, so our Room Parents will need your help to make it a success

  3. Help! The PTA always needs extra hands

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