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SGC: Role of the School Governance Council

Oxford’s School Governance Council (SGC) is the BUSD-mandated grouping of Oxford family members, teachers, and staff who set and monitor yearly goals and objectives for student achievement.

The SGC examines student achievement data and school needs, and makes a site plan every year to address those needs. The SGC decides how to spend the money Oxford receives from local (Berkeley Schools Excellence Program), state, and federal governments, determining budget and spending priorities for the year. The SGC consults with Oxford ELAC members regarding the English Learner (EL) component of the plan and budget. Serving on the SGC is a great way to learn about your child’s school and to guide funding decisions at the school.

The SGC is different from the PTA, although they often work together to identify and meet the needs of our students. The PTA also supports Oxford programs that are not covered by state and local funds. Like the PTA, the SGC meets once a month and encourages all interested parties—elected members or not—to attend.

The Oxford SGC

Parent Representatives:

  • TBD

Staff Representatives:

  • TBD


Join them at the next SGC meeting—if you need childcare to attend, please let Principal Cornwell know at least one day in advance.


The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Oxford’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) advises the principal and staff on programs and services for students who are English learners.


The ELAC also makes recommendations to the English Learner (EL) programs that are part of the annual school plan developed by the Oxford School Governance Council (SGC) regarding funds used to improve the achievement of English language learners. At many schools, the ELAC holds cultural events and works to broaden community outreach.


There is also a District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) for all Berkeley public schools.

If you are interested in serving on the ELAC, please email Oxford’s Family Engagement Coordinator Carol Finis Perez or call her at 510-849-7396.


The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a crucial district governance body comprised of parent/guardian representatives from each school. 


The PAC provides input to the Berkeley Unified School District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the allocation of supplemental funds provided by the state, based on the district’s proportion of English learners, students who qualify for free and reduced price meals, and foster children.

The committee meets once a month at 2020 Bonar Street. If you are interested in getting involved, please talk to or email Principal Beth Cornwell.

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