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Happy Holidays from the Principal

It was busy around school this week, too. This week, I saw and experienced so many great things happening in classrooms and around the school:

• A gingerbread man search by the kindergarteners (it smelled so good around here!) • A Kwanzaa celebration in a 5th grade classroom • A talent show in a 3rd grade classroom • 4th grade students “coding” on the computers • Parachutes being made in 1st grade • A snowball game with a 3rd grade class (that one wore me out!) • The Berkeley High Jazz Band performance

There were a couple of special moments this week, too. Some 5th graders gave their hats they got from the firehouse visit to the kindergarteners when the kinders said they wanted them. I had a 2nd grade student make a point to sit with another child at lunchtime who was sitting alone. I had two boys who had a conflict come to an understanding and apologize to each other. The K/3 buddies celebrating and making holiday crafts together this afternoon. I love those moments.

We had a wonderful community meeting this morning to celebrate the last day of school for 2016. A 5th grade class and a 3rd grade class both shared about their community service projects. The 5th graders donated toys to the firehouse and then sang a wonderful song about how we can help others… and our world. The 3rd graders had made bag lunches and delivered them to the homeless and we got to watch a video showing the delivery. We ended the community meeting with the 2nd graders singing songs, including “This Land is Your Land” which I sang in 4th grade, many, many years ago! It was a really nice community meeting. I love it when students perform.

It was a great way to wrap up 2016 at Oxford. I want to thank you all for your support and all that you do to make Oxford an amazing place to be. I also want to thank you for your generosity in the donations that came in for the Holiday Drive(s) of money, checks, baked goods and coats. Thank you. (And a big thanks to Alexandra Ballard for coordinating the donations and to Carol Perez for coordinating the coat/jacket donations!)

Please have a nice, safe holiday break and we will see you on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. (Yes, Tuesday—we need that one extra day to recover from New Year’s!)

Thanks for making Oxford an amazing place to be!

~ Beth Rhine 

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