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Holidays, In & Out of School + Free Books!

Mark your calendars

  1. There is no school on Monday, October 13th. Teachers and staff will be at professional development sessions focusing on our reading/writing program, the math program, and ToolBox. Don’t send your child to school that day!

  2. Speaking of no school for students, there is no school on Monday, November 10th either; it is a conference day for teachers.

  3. The week before, November 4th–7th, we have shortened days for conferences.

I’ll send out the schedule out for the shortened days as it gets closer.

Halloween Parade

This year, our Halloween Parade is going to be at 1:15 on the lower playground. We are having a 10:00 am El Día de los Muertos Assembly, and classrooms needed to push the parade to the end of the day in order to have time for celebrations and costumes. As 1:15 is the end of the day for kindergarten, we invite our kindergarteners to stay longer that day. We will be in contact with families who have kinders who ride the bus and see if we can arrange that they take a later bus. I will also let the after school staff know of this change and continue to send out reminders.

Boxes of Free Books Available

We have boxes of books on the stage for donation. Our give-away bookshelves are full, as are our classroom libraries. If someone is interested in taking the books for an organization in need of books, please let me know. If no one has any ideas, the East Bay Children’s Book Project always wants books. They have limited hours so if someone is available on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon to take several boxes of books to Oakland, let me know if you are able to make a delivery. Thank you!

-Beth Rhine, Principal

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