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New Kid on the Block – Suzanne Ingley

We welcome our new science teacher Suzanne Ingley. Here is a little note from her to all of you.

Hello Oxford Families, my name is Suzanne Ingley and I am the Science Teacher this year for 1st-5th grade. I just finished my first week at Oxford and am so excited—the kids are great. I taught science at Rosa Parks for the last 17 years so I’m well seasoned, and tired! So I switched to part time here at Oxford. I am passionate about teaching science. My approach is primarily inquiry based; meaning during experiments the kids make observations, ask questions, and then come up with their own ideas of why things behave in certain ways. What a joy to hear their thinking. I could get into NGSS, Science Practices, Foss, Stem etc…all of which I do, however this is how I feel successful as a teacher: Do the students love science? Have they developed critical thinking? Do they observe and ask questions about the world around them? Do they ask Why and know that their ideas matter? What more could I ask for?


Suzanne Ingley

1-5 grade Oxford Elementary Science Teacher

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