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Video Message from Beth Rhine

Hello, Oxford Families,

I hope you are all healthy and safe.  I’ve recorded a message to parents/guardians with general information and updates.  I hope to do this on a weekly basis, just so we can stay in touch and so you won’t forget what I look like! Well, it’s just more personal to do a video.  I am hoping this works – my apologies if it doesn’t!

Here is the link – I set it up so it can be viewed by you all. 

A few big points –

  1. District hold on Zoom for meetings with students for now.  Teachers getting trained on google hangout/meet.

  2. Registration for new students (incoming Kinders and graduating 5th graders) will be done online via fillable pdf.  BUSD sent out information to families last week.

  3. Construction on our new building is moving along; it is considered an essential project.

  4. SSC Meeting on 4/22/2020 – via Zoom

  5. PTA Meeting on 5/12/2020 – via Zoom

  6. Distance Learning Sets sent out Monday a.m.s to families by teacher

  7. MOCHA Art lessons are being organized; I’ll send out super short survey asking if you need art supplies

  8. If you need a chromebook, email me.  (

  9. Check out Oxford website and Facebook page.

Well, there were several big points.  We may be home but things are happening!

Take care and I’ll be in touch.

Beth Rhine

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