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Welcome Back Monday!

Hello, Oxford Families.

We are busily trying to get everything ready for Monday.  Emails and texts have been flying – it’s been a busy day.  I might need to send out another email if there are more updates, but I’ll try to limit the emails.  I’ll try!

First, teachers are working on reaching out to families to share information, links, and a sign-up for Family Conferences.  If you haven’t heard from your teacher, you will hear from them today or tomorrow.  Some are learning a whole new level of technology and are trying to get things in place.

For some tech support for families, check out this link: There are also links for students to use next week during independent work time.

Returning students will likely remember their login email and password.  Please use the BUSD email to log onto all BUSD programs, etc.  Classroom teachers will share the login email and password with the new students and kindergarten students.  I also have the list, so if you’re in a jam, feel free to email me.  

Today, we received a directive from the City of Berkeley Health Department saying that we are not able to hold in-person meetings inside or outside of schools.  I believe some teachers had been setting up outside family conferences next week but those will now need to be moved to Zoom Meetings.  It’s unfortunate but with Covid numbers increasing, we want to follow the guidelines and keep everyone healthy.  

Kindergarten Families, this means that Balanced Beginnings plans have to be cancelled.  I met with the Kinder team today and students have been assigned to teachers.  Ms. Lewis and Ms. Ahmed will be reaching out to families today or tomorrow with information about next week.  We are so bummed about this and were looking forward to seeing families, socially distanced, of course.  But again, we want to keep everyone healthy.

I am going to send out the information in this email via robo-call this evening.  I am using the Illuminate database that has all families in it.  If you don’t get an email or a phone call…or both, let me know.  This means that the information in our system is not accurate and I’d like to get it as accurate as possible.  

For future communications, our plan is to send out the school newsletter via this list on Tuesdays.  I will do a robo-call on Fridays with timely information.  As the school year gets underway, communications might slow down as we get into a groove.

Speaking of getting into a groove, the first couple of days might be a little bumpy while teachers get their virtual classrooms set up and as students figure out the routines.  I am confident that we will get into a groove for Distance Learning and the bumps will smooth out. (It will probably happen right before we go to Hybrid/part school-part home learning!). I really appreciate your patience and support in this whole process.  You are amazing. 

One piece of good news is that the move is still on schedule!  Phew.

Big hugs to you all!

Beth Rhine, Oxford Principal

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