Next week, Tuesday February 11th at 6pm, join us for our PTA Family Community Meeting via Zoom (Click HERE for Zoom) . Below you will find our agenda. We need a quorum of 14 PTA members to be at the meeting to vote on several important funding items. If you're free, stay on after the meeting
PTA Family Community Meeting
6:00 pm Call to Order & Welcome (Patricija Petrac, PTA President)
6:05 pm Approval of January Minutes
Please sign-in to this meeting
Click here for January meeting minutes (Erin Kats, Secretary)
Minutes shared, corrections offered, motion to approve minutes
6:10 pm Treasurer’s Report(Angela Bryant, Treasurer)
Report shared, questions answered, report filed
Presentation of any bills, motions to pay them
6:15 pm ByLaws Update (Patricija Petrac, President)
6:20 pm Report of the Executive Board (Patricija Petrac, President)
Additional Funding for Emergency Supplies Vote (Principal Cornwell)
Mural Proposal and Vote (Jaclyn Mercedes, PTA Member)
Ms. Anna After-School Program Proposal and Vote (Principal Cornwell)
Toast to Oxford Event Budget (Ellie Smith, Parliamentarian)
Shade Projections (if quote available) Proposal and Vote (Principal Cornwell)
Event Leads and Volunteer Request (Selene Kaye, VP of Events and Fundraising)
Auction and Toast to Oxford Event
Math Game Night Grade 3-5
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Raffle & Otterpalooza
6:50 pm Community Open Comment (Patricija Petrac, President)
7:00 pm Closing (Patricija Petrac, President)
After-meeting Discussion: building sense of belonging in Oxford and increase PTA engagement
Link to Agenda HERE