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Health and Safety Meeting for Oxford 9/1/2021 at 6pm

Dear Oxford Families,

On Wednesday evening, September 1, 6pm, I will be holding a Zoom Meeting with Parents & Caregivers to share information regarding health and safety at Oxford.  This includes neighborhood safety, smoke alerts, and of course, Covid information.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 0124 3771

Passcode: 721781

I encourage all families to register their child for Covid testing at school. Having gone through three classes being exposed, it makes the process easier for students if they are registered for testing.

If your child is exposed to a Covid case, in order to avoid quarantine at home, your child will need to be tested twice weekly during the quarantine period. (This is part of the modified quarantine plan.) This testing must take place at school, and BUSD will not be able to accept outside test results because of the complexity of tracking testing information.

We have weekly testing on Thursdays, 8:30am – 12pm. If there is a Covid case, the mobile testing team comes to the school site to test students. This is surveillance testing.

Please complete this Primary Health registration form so your student can be tested during surveillance testing or tested for a modified quarantine.

Once you submit your child’s registration, please confirm the registration via an email and text message you will receive. If you need assistance with registration, you can contact a call center representative Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm PST at 650-275-5419.

Thank you,

Beth Rhine

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