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Summer Reading Programs

Oxford students have been reading up a storm all year. Students in all of the grades have been reading fiction and nonfiction, and hearing great read alouds by their teacher. As summer approaches, we are hoping you will make a plan with your student to keep them reading all summer long.

A “Summer Reading Log” came home with your child. If they complete it, and turn it in the first week back in August, they will be invited to a special “Summer Reader” pizza lunch. The Berkeley Public Library also has a wonderful summer reading program with lots of prize incentives.

Research shows that students who do not read, at an appropriate level, over the summer return to school in the fall at a lower reading level than when they left in June. Educators call this the “Summer Slide”. Please help your student by encouraging them to read everyday this summer. If you have any questions, or need book suggestions please feel free to email me.

Joal Arvanigian, Literacy Coach

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