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4th Grade Change + Late Notes + Ks Perform

From our Principal

Teacher Transition

Many of you may have already heard, Mr. Tadesse, one of our 4th grade teachers, has been hired to be the new Assistant Principal at Malcolm X Elementary. As hard as it is for us to see him go, it helps to know that he will have a bigger role in Berkeley, leading our students to success. I am happy to report that I was able to hire a teacher to take over the classroom. Please let me “introduce” you to Ashley Foster! We worked together in Oakland and she has several years experience teaching 4th grade. Ms. Foster will be in the classroom by the end of this week. Please join me in welcoming her to the Oxford community!

Getting to School Late

It happens. If your child arrives at school late, please send a note with him/her or walk them in. We want to know that you know he/she is arriving late. And we want to make sure there is a safe and knowing hand-off between you and the school.

K Performance 12/12

I hope to see you at this Friday’s Community Meeting. Our kindergarten students will be performing!

~ Beth Rhine

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