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Its Read-a-Thon Time at Oxford!

The 2019 Read-a-Thon is approaching! The Read-a-Thon will take place during the month of November 1-30. Students will read outside of school, before or after. The Read-a-Thon is a great opportunity to support student reading initiatives and provide a crucial source of funding for our school. Each year Oxford raises about $20,000 to support monthly programs our kids rely on! P.E., Art, instruction aides, classroom supplies and so much more. Prizes will be awarded to the top individual performers per grade and will have their names entered in a raffle. Prizes will be gift certificates from Mr. Mopps’ and Mr Dewie’s ice cream! If Oxford reaches our fundraising goal we will win the opportunity to SLIME PRINCIPAL RHINE at the end of the Read-a-Thon, Community Meeting on December 20. Mark your calendars, line up your pledges and get ready to read! Parents, guardians and family members (you!) are encouraged to support our readers.

Download the 2019 Read-A-Thon calendar here.

Download the 2019 Read-A-Thon pledge sheet here.

Pledges can be paid by cash or check to (Oxford PTA) or online through Oxford’s website pledge a flat donation today, (please indicate the donation is for the Read-a-Thon and provide the student’s name, grade, and teacher) or donate per minute after November 30.

Questions? Please contact Monica Smith (Sammy’s mom 4rd grade) at

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