BALSA is a relatively new group working in close collaboration with BUSD Superintendent Donald Evans and Director of Special Projects and Programs Pat Saddler. Our focus is on supporting the social-emotional and academic needs of advanced learners (whether or not they have been formally GATE-identified), creating new opportunities for staff professional development around differentiation, building new opportunities for collaboration (especially with UC Berkeley), and reaching out to populations historically underrepresented in the world of gifted education.
This year, BALSA is sponsoring a free speaker series, which will take place in Room 126 at 2020 Bonar. The speakers are Mondays 7–9 pm on the following dates: 9/29, 10/2, 11/24, 12/15, 1/12, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/11. Details on speakers are in this flyer. All parents, teachers and staff who are interested are warmly invited to attend.
Email Michaela Ballek. Visit the BALSA website for more information about the speaker series.