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Parent Teacher News
May 28, 2014
Grant Writer Needed for PTA
The PTA Grant Committee needs a researcher and/or writer to help secure funding for performing arts opportunities at Oxford for the...
May 28, 2014
Prevent the “Summer Slide”
As summer approaches, we want to encourage the children to continue some academic work over the summer. According to a report released by...
May 26, 2014
Class Placement for 2014–2015
Parents/guardians might be wondering about the process we use to assign students to classes for the upcoming school year. When we create...
May 22, 2014
PTA Meets Fri 5/23 8:30 AM—You’re Needed!
Please join us TOMORROW, Friday, May 23rd at 8:30 am for an important PTA budget meeting, immediately following the 8:00 am community...

May 7, 2014
Thanks! + Bike to School Day 5/8 + Scary Truant Letter
Tomorrow is officially Bike To Work & School Day. With all that is going on (teacher luncheon, Creativity & Science Fair, Talent Show,...
Apr 14, 2014
SGC Meeting Agenda for Wed 4/16/14
Please join us for our next School Governance Council (SGC) meeting this Wednesday April 16th at 6:00 PM. At this meeting we will review...
Mar 27, 2014
BUSD Among “10 Best School Lunches” in U.S.
Berkeley schools are rated at #7 on the “10 Best School Lunches in America” on Some of the public schools (and, in some...

Mar 27, 2014
Nonfiction for Kids: 2 Great Blogs
From the PTA Grants Committee’s Niki Laddish, who is a children’s publishing maven, come… 2 great online recs for finding kids’...

Mar 25, 2014
SBA State Testing, Grades 3-5
highlight text in passages and test questions zoom in and out of test pages mark specific items for review strikethrough (cross out...

Mar 24, 2014
Great Kid Books Blog
Ms. Scheuer’s many great posts help connect you and your family with great books for kids ages 4 to 14, as well as other related online...
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