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Parent Teacher News

Aug 18, 2014
Welcome Back for 2014–2015!
Welcome to the 2014–2015 school year! I hope everyone had a great summer break. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 27th and...
Aug 12, 2014
After School Program Registration (2014-15)
For those of you who want to send your children to Oxford’s after school program this year, registration will be as follows: Where?...
Jul 18, 2014
FREE Kids’ Art & Writing Workshop Sun 7/20
Summertime Fun Recycling Show: Beasties and Bears A Children’s Art & Creative Writing Workshop Sunday July 20, 2014, 1 to 4 pm—FREE! With...
Jun 27, 2014
Low-Cost Computers & Internet Access
Al Roker and Comcast have a program to offer low-cost computers ($150) and internet service ($10/month) to families whose children...

Jun 25, 2014
Chess Classes at Oxford in the Fall
photo: Alan Light In the fall, chess lessons for Oxford students grades K to 5 will be available through the Berkeley Chess School and...

Jun 18, 2014
Summer Reading Programs
A “Summer Reading Log” came home with your child. If they complete it, and turn it in the first week back in August, they will be invited...

Jun 16, 2014
The PTA Needs You Next Year!
A Great Year, With More to Come The PTA would like to offer a huge thank you to all of the parents/guardians who volunteered their time...

Jun 12, 2014
Last Day of School News!
From the Principal Well, it’s the last week of school and time to wrap things up. There are so many things that have happened this year,...

Jun 12, 2014
Short End of Year Survey + $11K To Go!
Give the PTA Your Feedback on the Year The PTA has put together a short 7-question survey and we would love your feedback. Please take a...
Jun 12, 2014
Honoring Retiring Librarian Ms. Sheng
Two anonymous donors have installed a recognition plate in the library to honor Ms. Sheng for her 29 years of service. All students,...
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